ADK Setup fails on Windows 10

I got a quick and easy fix for you if your ADK Setup fails on Windows 10. Read on.If you also ended up with the error message: Could not acquire privileges; GLE=0x514 while trying to install ADK on Windows 10, I got a quick fix for you.

It has something to do with windows permissions, we need to utilize PSExec to fix the problem.

You can download PSExec including ADK for Windows 10 version 1709 here.

In case you run a newer or older version of Windows 10, you need to manually download the appropriate version here and put it inside of the Temp Folder of the PSExec Folder.


1. Unzipping and replacing the PSExec folder

After downloading and unzipping the PSExec folder, I recommend you place it on C:\PSExec .


2. Utilizing Powershell

Now we are going to utilize Powershell to run our ADK installation.

Open Powershell by pressing the Windows Key and typing Powershell. Right click on it and select Run as Administrator:

Next, we need to Navigate to our PSExec folder by typing:

cd C:\PSExec

Now we need to run psexec.exe in a new Powershell Window using the command:

.\PsExec.exe /sid powershell.exe

Agree to the PsExec Licence Agreement if prompted.

In the newly opened Powershell Window we need to Navigate to our PsExec folder once again, but this time we Navigate into the Temp directory to run our adksetup:

cd C:\PsExec\Temp

After this we need to run our adksetup by typing:


This will start the usual ADK Setup Routine, with the exception that it will work now.

And that’s it. You got ADK installed now.

If this saved you a ton of time, you know what to do πŸ™‚


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